I450F Data (RockSim)
Accuracy of this data file:
This File |
Certified |
± |
Diameter |
38 mm |
38 mm |
= |
Length |
370 mm |
368 mm |
+1% |
Prop. Weight |
303 g |
302 g |
= |
Total Weight |
730 g |
— |
Avg. Thrust |
468.1 N |
450.0 N |
+4% |
Max. Thrust |
634.2 N |
627.0 N |
+1% |
Total Impulse |
633.7 Ns |
633.0 Ns |
= |
Burn Time |
1.4 s |
1.0 s |
+35% |
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Raw Data
<engine mfg="Kosdon-by-AeroTech" code="I450F" Type="reloadable" dia="38." len="370."
initWt="730." propWt="303.2" delays="14" auto-calc-mass="1" auto-calc-cg="1"
avgThrust="449.448" peakThrust="634.202" throatDia="0." exitDia="0."
Itot="633.722" burn-time="1.41" massFrac="41.53" Isp="213.13" tDiv="10"
tStep="-1." tFix="1" FDiv="10" FStep="-1." FFix="1" mDiv="10" mStep="-1."
mFix="1" cgDiv="10" cgStep="-1." cgFix="1">
<eng-data t="0." f="0." m="303.2" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="0.012" f="634.202" m="301.379" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="0.037" f="550.523" m="294.294" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="0.108" f="519.693" m="276.117" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="0.241" f="510.885" m="243.327" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="0.639" f="550.523" m="142.271" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="0.729" f="554.927" m="118.47" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="0.809" f="546.118" m="97.3988" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="0.939" f="497.672" m="64.9381" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="1.072" f="471.247" m="34.1105" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="1.128" f="440.418" m="21.8975" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="1.165" f="387.568" m="14.5688" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="1.211" f="206.996" m="8.02613" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="1.295" f="88.0836" m="2.09662" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="1.36" f="26.4251" m="0.316073" cg="185."/>
<eng-data t="1.41" f="0." m="0." cg="185."/>
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