Popular Motors

What motors are hot? These top lists show you what other rocketeers are viewing over the last couple of months, especially during the last few weeks. First off, here are the top motors across the board and below that check out the top motors in each impulse group.

Rank Motor Views Trend
1 AeroTech M1850W 1154 up +2σ
2 AeroTech O5500X-PS 1050 flat
3 AeroTech L1256WS 560 up +3σ
4 Cesaroni 20146N5800-P 550 flat
5 Estes F15 507 flat
6 Estes D12 485 up +1σ
7 Hypertek 835CC125J-K240 482 up +2σ
8 AeroTech M2500T 466 up +2σ
9 Hypertek 1685CCRGL-L550 429 flat
10 Estes C6 419 down −1σ
11 AeroTech N3300R 387 up +3σ
12 Estes E12 379 down −1σ
13 Cesaroni 21062O3400-P 359 flat
14 Estes E9 343 flat
15 Cesaroni 40960O8000-P 316 down −1σ
16 AeroTech M1939W 298 up +1σ
17 AeroTech G80T 297 down −1σ
18 TSP F35 270 flat
19 Apogee F10 269 flat
20 AeroTech HP-L1000W 263 flat
21 Estes B6 260 flat
22 AeroTech M2700W-PS 259 flat
23 AeroTech N4000W-PS 256 down −2σ
24 AeroTech H128W 241 flat
25 Cesaroni 8429M2020-P 239 up +1σ

Top Model (ABCD)

Rank Motor Views Trend
1 Estes D12 485 up +1σ
2 Estes C6 419 down −1σ
3 Estes B6 260 flat
4 Klima D9 221 up +1σ
5 Estes A8 220 flat
6 AeroTech D22W 132 up +2σ
7 Estes B4 130 flat
8 Quest D20W 123 flat
9 Estes A3 121 down −1σ
10 Estes A10 116 flat


Rank Motor Views Trend
1 Estes F15 507 flat
2 Estes E12 379 down −1σ
3 Estes E9 343 flat
4 AeroTech G80T 297 down −1σ
5 TSP F35 270 flat
6 Apogee F10 269 flat
7 AeroTech F32T 214 down −1σ
8 AeroTech F67W 198 flat
9 AeroTech G8ST 162 flat
10 AeroTech F42T/L 162 up +2σ

Top Level-1 (HI)

Rank Motor Views Trend
1 AeroTech H128W 241 flat
2 AeroTech H14ST 216 down −2σ
3 AeroTech H100W_DMS 182 flat
4 AeroTech I600R 170 up +2σ
5 AeroTech I40N-P 167 flat
6 AeroTech I1299N 162 flat
7 AeroTech HP-H550ST 148 up +2σ
8 AeroTech HP-H135W 145 flat
9 AeroTech I59WN 141 flat
10 AeroTech H13ST 138 flat

Top Level-2 (JKL)

Rank Motor Views Trend
1 AeroTech L1256WS 560 up +3σ
2 Hypertek 835CC125J-K240 482 up +2σ
3 Hypertek 1685CCRGL-L550 429 flat
4 AeroTech HP-L1000W 263 flat
5 AeroTech L2200G 215 flat
6 AeroTech K550W 200 flat
7 AeroTech L1420R 198 flat
8 AeroTech L1940X 196 flat
9 AeroTech K2050ST 191 flat
10 AeroTech K1103X 185 flat

Top Level-3 (MNO)

Rank Motor Views Trend
1 AeroTech M1850W 1154 up +2σ
2 AeroTech O5500X-PS 1050 flat
3 Cesaroni 20146N5800-P 550 flat
4 AeroTech M2500T 466 up +2σ
5 AeroTech N3300R 387 up +3σ
6 Cesaroni 21062O3400-P 359 flat
7 Cesaroni 40960O8000-P 316 down −1σ
8 AeroTech M1939W 298 up +1σ
9 AeroTech M2700W-PS 259 flat
10 AeroTech N4000W-PS 256 down −2σ