F32T Data (RockSim)
Accuracy of this data file:
This File |
Certified |
± |
Diameter |
24 mm |
24 mm |
= |
Length |
90 mm |
95 mm |
−5% |
Prop. Weight |
26 g |
31 g |
−17% |
Total Weight |
65 g |
64 g |
+2% |
Avg. Thrust |
34.7 N |
34.1 N |
+2% |
Max. Thrust |
58.8 N |
61.3 N |
−4% |
Total Impulse |
56.9 Ns |
56.9 Ns |
= |
Burn Time |
1.6 s |
1.7 s |
−1% |
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Raw Data
<engine mfg="Aerotech" code="F32" Type="single-use" dia="24." len="90." initWt="65."
propWt="25.8" delays="4,6,8" auto-calc-mass="1" auto-calc-cg="1"
avgThrust="31.14" peakThrust="58.76" throatDia="0." exitDia="0." Itot="56.924"
burn-time="1.83" massFrac="39.69" Isp="224.98" tDiv="10" tStep="-1." tFix="1"
FDiv="10" FStep="-1." FFix="1" mDiv="10" mStep="-1." mFix="1" cgDiv="10"
cgStep="-1." cgFix="1">
<comments>Input by Tim Van Milligan based on NAR Certification document Jan 14, 2009
Created using Thrust Curve Tracer.</comments>
<eng-data t="0." f="0." m="25.8" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.028" f="2.636" m="25.7833" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.035" f="5.891" m="25.7697" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.054" f="53.488" m="25.5141" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.061" f="57.364" m="25.3382" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.068" f="58.76" m="25.154" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.089" f="58.76" m="24.5947" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.114" f="55.504" m="23.9474" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.177" f="51.783" m="22.4156" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.24" f="49.302" m="20.9724" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.319" f="47.132" m="19.246" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.429" f="44.651" m="16.958" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.545" f="41.86" m="14.6838" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.611" f="41.55" m="13.4362" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.627" f="40.465" m="13.1389" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.676" f="40.155" m="12.2436" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.772" f="38.76" m="10.5268" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="0.904" f="36.744" m="8.26819" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="1.005" f="34.884" m="6.62872" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="1.119" f="32.403" m="4.89038" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="1.212" f="30.543" m="3.56376" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="1.277" f="28.527" m="2.69364" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="1.298" f="27.597" m="2.42654" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="1.322" f="26.512" m="2.13225" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="1.338" f="24.961" m="1.94561" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="1.385" f="21.55" m="1.45022" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="1.445" f="15.969" m="0.940067" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="1.51" f="10.543" m="0.549537" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="1.597" f="5.581" m="0.231638" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="1.676" f="2.636" m="0.0845292" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="1.746" f="1.24" m="0.0230427" cg="45."/>
<eng-data t="1.828" f="0." m="0." cg="45."/>
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