BB-75-1700 Data (RockSim)
Accuracy of this data file:
This File |
Certified |
± |
Diameter |
75 mm |
75 mm |
= |
Length |
302 mm |
244 mm |
+24% |
Prop. Weight |
882 g |
882 g |
= |
Total Weight |
2,835 g |
— |
Avg. Thrust |
464.9 N |
450.0 N |
+3% |
Max. Thrust |
660.6 N |
— |
Total Impulse |
1,848.0 Ns |
1,845.0 Ns |
= |
Burn Time |
4.0 s |
4.1 s |
−2% |
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Raw Data
<engine FDiv="10" FFix="1" FStep="-1." Isp="213.76" Itot="1848.03" Type="reloadable" auto-calc-cg="1" auto-calc-mass="1" avgThrust="449.643" burn-time="4.11" cgDiv="10" cgFix="1" cgStep="-1." code="K450BB" delays="1000" dia="75." exitDia="0." initWt="2834.9" len="302." mDiv="10" mFix="1" mStep="-1." massFrac="31.1" mfg="Animal Motor Works" peakThrust="660.62" propWt="881.6" tDiv="10" tFix="1" tStep="-1." throatDia="0.">
<comments><![CDATA[AMW K450BB RASP.ENG file made from NAR published data
File produced Aug 19, 2003
This file my be used or given away. All I ask is that this header
is maintained to give credit to NAR S&T. Thank you, Jack Kane.
The total impulse, peak thrust, average thrust and burn time are
the same as the averaged static test data on the NAR web site in
the certification file. The curve drawn with these data points is as
close to the certification curve as can be with such a limited
number of points (32) allowed with wRASP up to v1.6.
<eng-data cg="151." f="0." m="881.6" t="0."/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="78.903" m="881.035" t="0.03"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="227.9" m="879.938" t="0.045"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="449.955" m="876.866" t="0.064"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="508.417" m="875.723" t="0.069"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="555.187" m="869.38" t="0.094"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="563.956" m="854.165" t="0.151"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="625.442" m="794.304" t="0.362"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="651.85" m="733.371" t="0.562"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="660.62" m="651.038" t="0.825"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="652.254" m="554.274" t="1.134"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="626.147" m="457.001" t="1.453"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="594.296" m="358.026" t="1.793"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="538.958" m="271.527" t="2.113"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="469.106" m="188.573" t="2.458"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="384.538" m="119.344" t="2.798"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="276.686" m="61.4618" t="3.165"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="279.609" m="56.6849" t="3.201"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="232.94" m="41.5253" t="3.325"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="171.757" m="23.6673" t="3.51"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="107.65" m="8.87205" t="3.732"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="58.018" m="3.77452" t="3.861"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="40.55" m="1.47046" t="3.959"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="20.149" m="0.355645" t="4.036"/>
<eng-data cg="151." f="0." m="0." t="4.11"/>
You can also download the raw data points as a CSV file.