Data Contributors

68 people have contributed 1,939 rocket motor data files for the benefit of the entire rocketry community. Thank you! Find out how you can join them.

Name Organization Data Files
John Coker 926
Andre Choquette CQF / CAR 209
Mark Koelsch,, TRA 209
Len Bryan CAR, TRA 198
Mike Haberer 104
Casey Hatch 29
Christopher Kobel NAR/TRA Rocketry Organization of California 28
Greg Gardner 20
Mike Caplinger 20
Thomas Raithby 16
Carl Tulanko 12
Jim Yehle UROC - The Utah Rocket Club 10
Rich Thompson Music City Missile Club 10
Roadrunner Rocketry Roadrunner Rocketry, Inc 10
William Carney 10
Conway Stevens 8
John DeMar 8
Andrew MacMillen 7
Earl Stanley Hemphill TheHemphills 7
Howard Smart 5
John Junghans 5
Koen Loeven CTRA/narconn 5
Teodor Stanculeasa Tripoli Austria 5
David Moore 4
Konrad J Hambrick 4
Len Lekx 4
Mark Hairfield 4
Robert DeHate NAR, TRA, AMW, CTI 4
Victor Merle Barlow 4
Eric Peltzer 3
Jesus Manuel Recuenco none 3
Joel Rogers 3
Kevin Trojanowski 3
Alexander Unmack 2
Guillaume Knight 2
J Brent NAR 2
Joseph Avins 2
Nicholas Domansky 2
Pete Carr 2
Simon Crafts Tripoli Quad Cities; The Rocketry Forum 2
Alexander Brandt 1
Andrew Grippo 1
Andrew Wimmer 1
Benji Wiebe 1
Bernard Cawley BEMRC 1
Bill Wagstaff Ottawa Rocketry Group 1
Charles (Casey) Barker 1
Clay Dunsworth 1
Craig Rutherford 1
Daniel Fennell 1
Edward K. Chess Fox Valley Rocketeers 1
Edward Wranosky Alpha Hybrids 1
Eric Melville 1
Georgios Spanos 1
Joe Pfeiffer 1
Jonathan Reeves Mississippi State University 1
Karl Baumheckel 1
Mark Stumbaugh 1
Mark Trevithick 1
Marten Beels 1
Max Jetzer 1
Robert Belknap 1
Robert Geer 1
Rocket Lab Delta Rocket Lab Delta 1
Scott Sager 1
Todd Bowman 1
Tom Koszuta MARS 1
Tony Huet Tripoli North Texas 1

Mark Koelsch is editor of motor information and John Coker is site maintainer.