Motor Guide

The motor guide allows you to quickly find motors that will work for a rocket; see the help page for more info.

If you create a rocket, you can run the guide more easily in future as well as have more options.

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Rocket Information


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Others' Rockets

Here are the 10 most recently created public rockets entered by other people you can try out.

Name Body Diam Weight MMT Diam MMT Len Owner
LOC 4" T-Loc 54mmt 4.00 in 2,190 g 54 mm 18.00 in David S. Kemp
Bunker Buster 3.00 in 3.00 lb 54 mm 30.00 in Eric Bunkers
WM Blackhawk 75 3.10 in 2,480 g 75 mm 32.00 in EDWARD SABINS
LOC Semper Fi 3.10 in 920 g 38 mm 14.00 in Anthony Kortessis
Semroc Cherokee D 1.33 in 1.7 oz 24 mm 2.75 in Bill Schmanski
Semroc Cherokee Pro 200% upscale 2.64 in 576 g 29 mm 8.00 in Anthony Kortessis
MAC Blackfly 29 54 mm 20.0 oz 29 mm 10.00 in EDWARD SABINS
LOC Park Flyer EZE 1.63 in 215 g 29 mm 8.00 in Anthony Kortessis
Semroc Magnum Hornet 1.33 in 54 g 24 mm 3.75 in Anthony Kortessis
AMRAAM 5 98MM 5.00 in 1,200 g 98 mm 46.00 in Christopher Jezewicz

Search public rockets for more to try out.
